[Bozhou Shipping] The winter solstice in the winter solstice

In the winter solstice, a festival full of emotional warmth, Bozhou Shipbuilding has successfully held the third winter solstice dumpling making social event.

In the winter solstice, a festival full of emotional warmth, Bozhou Shipbuilding has successfully held the third winter solstice dumpling making social event. This activity with the theme of “hot dumplings, rising warmth of home” not only made employees feel the warmth of home, but also further enhanced the emotions between each other.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the event, the company purchased fresh ingredients in advance. Mr. He personally checked the ingredients to ensure that every ingredient was fresh and hygienic, laying a solid foundation for the success of the event.

On that day, the event site was filled with a joyful and peaceful atmosphere. In addition to the common pork and leek fillings, the company also specially prepared a variety of fillings, such as fresh mushroom fillings and celery fillings, to meet the taste needs of different employees.

As the event officially started, the chief judge came on stage to announce the rules of the competition before the competition. He introduced the scoring criteria and process in detail, and emphasized the fairness and justice of the competition. The evaluation content includes the number of qualified dumplings, the appearance and shape of the dumplings. The five judges strictly followed the standards to carefully evaluate and score each contestant’s work. The employees were eager to try, hoping to show their skills in the competition.

The competition officially started, and the employees took up the dumpling skins and fillings and carefully made dumplings. Their techniques were different, some were skilled and experienced, and some were trying for the first time, but they were full of love for food and respect for this traditional custom.

During the competition, everyone worked meticulously, and everyone invested great enthusiasm and concentration. The contestants were skilled, and the dumplings took shape quickly in their hands, while the employees watched carefully and learned the skills of making dumplings.

Employees in the sales department also actively participated in it and cheered for the competition. Mr. He and Mr. Hua also came to the scene to watch the competition. Mr. Hua even took part in the competition himself to show off his skills and share the fun of making dumplings with the employees.

It is worth mentioning that this event is not just a dumpling-making competition. During the event, employees spontaneously exchanged their dumpling-making skills and experiences and shared their own unique dumpling recipes. Each department also organized a small team to jointly complete a group of dumpling works with different shapes, showing the spirit of unity and cooperation.

During the entire event, employees made a total of 4,500 dumplings. These dumplings are not just food, but also a carrier of the taste of home and team cohesion. Through the process of making dumplings, employees felt the power of teamwork and the deep friendship between each other.

As the dumplings came out of the pot, plates of fragrant dumplings appeared in front of everyone. These dumplings have different shapes, both traditional and innovative, showing the creativity and ingenuity of the employees. According to the scoring rules, the judges gave a comprehensive score to each contestant’s work in terms of quantity and quality within the specified time. They carefully observed the appearance and shape of the dumplings, tasted their taste and mouthfeel, and ensured the fairness and accuracy of the scoring.

After fierce competition, 2 first prizes, 3 second prizes, 5 third prizes, and 10 participation prizes were selected. These winners used their skillful hands to turn ordinary flour and fillings into delicious works of art. Let us congratulate them on winning the prize!

The tasting session is even more talked about. The fragrant fried dumplings were served on the table, and everyone sat together to taste the fruits of their labor. An employee interviewed said: “The dumplings made by everyone are delicious, especially the taste of home!” This event made them feel the warmth of home and the power of the team. There were also employees who improvised ink painting on the scene to express their love and feelings for the event in the form of art, and wish everyone a happy winter solstice!

This event is not only a heritage and promotion of traditional culture, but also an enhancement of team cohesion and sublimation of employee emotions. Bozhou Marine has always been committed to creating a harmonious and warm working environment to make employees feel the warmth of home. In the future, Bozhou Marine will hold more meaningful activities to bring more joy and growth opportunities to employees.

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